Navigate to the various RSS Feeds by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the page. By default only 4 can be displayed along with the More… icon, but you can choose which 4 are always present.
Each icon/site will typically display 10-15 of the latest topics found. By clicking on a topic, more data will be displayed. Some data feeds display all data, others only a few sentences or paragraphs, but typically enough to get the concept of the topic. If you want more info simply click the top right icon to be taken to the website. See below.
Changing the 4 default icons:
You can change which 4 icons get displayed at the bottom of the app by pressing the "More..." button and then the "edit" button at the top right. Simply touch and drag the icon you want to the location on the tool bar. Please see below.
Cached vs Updated Feeds:
This application pulls all its data from the web. For this reason you MUST have a network connection either from Wi-Fi or 3G connection. Of course if you are reading this you must have connected at least once. After you've connected to the net and visited the various sites and data feeds, the application will cache out the data to your device. If when connected and it looks like your feeds are not updating, just touch the screen and pull down to update the feed. See below.